Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Question of the Day...

Besides the obvious BIG things in life that we have to be thankful for, there are millions of little things that we sometimes do not stop often enough to appreciate. For example, I decided this morning to make a batch of Peanut Butter & Chocolate Rice Krispy Treats (my all-time favorite!) and realized that I never used to own a non-stick stock pot (dutch oven, soup pot, whatever you call 'em) before I married Rog. I used my good ol' Revere Ware pot and had to work harder at keeping anything from sticking. Now, I wonder how I ever got a long without these non-stick pots? So, I smiled and thought of one more small, often overlooked, reason why I am lucky to have him in my life. Not only does he fill my heart with joy and love, he filled my kitchen with some awesome cookware!!! ;)

So, the Question of the Day is:

What little things have you encountered in your day that made you thankful? What gave you reason to smile unexpectedly?

And to prove presentation is everything when it comes to food I have this to share...

We had some apples in the pantry and no one was eating them. So yesterday as I removed the last of the fall decor from the kitchen, I gathered a few apples and placed them on a little cake plate I scored on one of my Thrifty Thursday hunts and set it out on the counter. Melissa came home, sees the apples, and says, "These apples look really good!" I laughed and thought to myself what a difference a little design effort can make! She looked right past them in the pantry for days! And heck, they were fresher then! LOL! It's all about the presentation people!

enjoy looking at (and appreciating)
the little things!

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