Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Eight reasons to get away with the girls!

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What Is the Value of an
All-Girl Getaway?

Stephanie Oswald, editor in chief of Travelgirl
magazine and host of Fine Living Network's All-Girl Getaways

What's the value of an all-girl getaway anyway? Lifestyle travel guru Stephanie Oswald, host of the original new TV series All-Girl Getaways on Fine Living Network, says a trip away with your girlfriends is good for you for these reasons:

  1. Offers a mental health break and a sanity check. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the stress of everyday life. Women wear many hats and often make taking care of themselves a low priority. Change that priority list.
  2. Busts stress when work and family demands are too high. If you keep going at breakneck speed, something will eventually break. Going away with the girls allows you to recharge your batteries and stay in top form so you can keep doing it all.
  3. Reunites friends who can do wonders for your life. A week at the beach with your best friends from high school might be just what you need to pull the pieces of your life together.
  4. Reminds you of you. We all love our kids, but if you’re feeling trapped in the mom version of Groundhog Day, grab your girlfriends and go. You were a wonderful person before you were a mom; your girlfriends will help you remember this fact.
  5. Pampers your mind, body and spirit. When is the last time you read a book without interruptions? Took a walk by yourself? Relaxed in a bubble bath? The time is now, girlfriend! Give yourself permission to go!
  6. Solves life’s dilemmas. Comparing notes with your BFFs on everything from sex to finances can help you solve life’s dilemmas. Issues that cause marriages to fail are more easily discussed among girlfriends.
  7. Boosts satisfaction in life. We often spend our time concerned with what isn’t done instead of focusing on what we've achieved. It’s important to review our past and appreciate what’s been accomplished instead of living life in fast-forward mode.
  8. Benefits the entire family. Life is good – and will be even better after you’ve taken a break. Getting your break means you’ll come home refreshed and less bothered by the dirty dishes, loud TV or other irritations of daily life. Yes, a getaway is a gift to yourself, but the rest of the family will benefit too. A happy mom leads a happy family.
This article is courtesy of FineLiving.com
Watch All-Girl Getaways on Fine Living Network!

To schedule your Girls' Get Away check out:
Creative Outlet Retreat House

enjoy the time you have to get away from it all!

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