Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ready to be a LOSER!

Okay, I'm in.

Well actually, back in. I have drawn the line in the sand and decided to start counting points again to shed these unwanted pounds! With the help of Weight Watchers' Points Program I lost 25 pounds back in 1999 and it's time to do it again.
My weight, like most people's, has fluctuated up and down over the past nine years, but now it has creeped back up to its highest number once again. I didn't like it then and I like it even less now. I want my waist back! I want to put my bikini back on - yeah, I actually could wear one only four, short years ago! (But that was an effect of the Divorce Diet; a plan I strongly discourage!) I want more energy. I want to be healthier and lower my blood pressure. I want to wear the smaller section of clothes hanging in my closet. That little black dress, those tighter jeans, and all those summer clothes!

So here is my plan...

I have decided against "joining" Weight Watchers. I know, I know, we all need accountability. But I'm going to go about it a little differently this time. Same Points system, just a different way of staying on track. I need some of YOU to help me do it! (I know many of you are not happy with where your at in your weight battles either.) Sooooo...we need to band together girls! Form a team. Unite for the greater loss!

Are ya with me?!!!!
I discovered a site called PeerTrainer today. And I joined. It's totally free, and I want YOU to join too. We can have our own private weight loss support group. Our own completely private place to set our goals and let each other know how we are doing along the way. Only those we know can join the group (for others reading this, there are a lot of public groups as well). If you'd like to participate leave me a message here or e-mail me and I will send you the link invitation.

Go check out the site, ask yourself if you can use a little help from your friends, and then make the commitment. Not to me....but rather to yourself.

Weight loss is not easy. It is not quick. It requires total dedication, and darn it, some days we may not find it alone. We need to rally together and hit the road running!

Now...are ya with me?!

Ah, come on....

To get the ball rolling, I have supplied a couple low Point snack options, a link to a Points converter (could they make it any simpler?!) and a suggestion to get a copy Lisa Lillien's book, Hungry Girl (I found mine at Safeway today!). Then check out her website featuring the WW Points for her recipes! I am also heading to Amazon to buy the latest Biggest Loser Success Stories book full of tips and advise.

5 Red Vines Licorice = 3 Points
16 Pretzels = 2 Points
9 Mini Cheddar Rice Snacks = 2 Points
1 Apple = 1 Point
1 Banana = 1 Point
Handful of Carrots = 0 Points!!!

enjoy having the support of friends!

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