Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Never a Christrmas Morning...

I love family traditions.

I love that my family has eaten the same traditional breakfast dish every Christmas morning for my entire life. Every morning for generations, in fact. The task of creating this delicious dish being passed down like a torch of honor, each generation learning from the one before. It is impossible to spend time preparing it without reflecting on the times my great-grammy served it up for the entire family when I was a very little girl.

This meal is never taken for granted (as we do not cook it many other times of the year), it is highly craved and savored. It is, for me, the ultimate comfort food and as much a part of the holiday as Santa Claus, stockings, and Christmas trees.

It conjures up memories of childhood Christmases; my family gathered around the tree opening stockings, the smell wafting from the oven making our mouths water in anticipation. And each year as I prepare this dish, it my special moment of reflection; I can so clearly see images of my great-grammy working in her kitchen, her white hair perfectly styled, while wearing her cute, little holiday apron. In that moment I can feel her looking down from the heavens and smiling, so proud of us for carrying on this family tradition that holds so many wonderful memories for each of us.

In a world of uncertainty, I look forward to the few things we can count on staying the same year after year.

What is your most favored family tradition?

enjoy the memories traditions evoke in you.

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